Ted Metz

For Secretary of State

“Regardless of your political philosophy, casting a ballot should be an easy process, cheating should be easy to detect but hard to do. Georgia voters have the right to honest, transparent, and verifiable elections.”

The Insight Our State Needs


For the past eight years, Ted Metz has been active in the fight to eliminate electronic voting systems and implement a system that produces physical evidence of voter intent, aka paper ballots. In October of 2020, the U.S. District Court found our current Dominion system violates at least two Georgia Statutes (pg. 81-82).   We need a change!

About Ted Metz

Ted Metz started life as the son of an US Air Force pilot, living in 13 states by age 11. He says that being raised in the cultural diversity of base housing makes it easy for him to recognize the propaganda employed by the powers that be to perpetuate and incite the tension that keeps all Americans from enjoying “Domestic Tranquility.” 

Ted spent many years working his way through College as an entrepreneur in the Satellite Telecommunications Industry. He studied Organic Chemistry at the University of Georgia and gained employment as a Scientist, heading the Research Division of a major consumer products corporation. After burning out on corporate culture, he fell back on his Risk Management and Insurance and Business Administration degree from Georgia State University, built and ran an Insurance Agency, and eventually retired from a career as an Insurance and Financial Professional.

Since 2012 he has been an Activist fighting to restore the Rule of Law and to stop the Corporate Takeover of the Government. He has been tirelessly engaged to affect people’s attitudes about Liberty and Self Determination with involvement in many groups and organizations to steer elected officials towards smaller, fiscally responsible, constitutional government.

Mission & Value

I support: Voter ID, Absentee Signature Matching, Hand Marked Paper Ballots, Strict Chain of Custody, Comprehensive Audits, Public Ballot Inspection, Prosecution, Penalties, and Imprisonment for Unlawful Election Shenanigans

I DO NOT support: Electronic Voting Systems, Ballot Drop Boxes, Ballot Harvesting, Ballot Stuffing, Private and Corporate Election Funding, 3rd Party Temporary Election Staffing

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Click on any Survey below to expand and read. Don’t click here though…

Brunswick News Survey

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Problem 1 – Lack of trust in the Electronic System. I will restore confidence in Georgia’s Election system via hand counting paper ballots with full public transparency, enforcing signature match for absentee ballots, verifying voter ID, and allowing public audits.

Problem 2 – Third Party Access to Voter Data. I will return the Voter Registration Data Base to state control, end the contracts with Election Registration Information Systems, SalesForce and MTX Group, maintain clean voter rolls using the National Change of Address system and the Social Security Association Death Registry.

Problem 3 – Manipulation of Election Systems by Malicious Actors. I will enforce the State ad Federal requirements that any voting system complies with all applicable laws, including Cyber and Infrastructure Security Act, Federal Information Security Modernization Act, Help America Vote Act, Voting Rights Act, and Title 21 of the O.C.G.A., which our current system does not.

Age – 64

Profession – Retired but volunteers IT infrastructure and support to many for – and Non-profit organizations

Education – College Grad – Georgia State University, DeKalb College, University of Georgia, Naval Aviation Technical Training Center


Military Service – US Navy 1979-1982


Family – Currently divorced, 2 adult sons, one granddaughter

AJC Georgia Voter Guide

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How does your background equip you for the job you are seeking?

Computers have been a part of life since the 1970’s, even before formal training in the US Navy. I started working with Internet Technology in the 1990’s and I am competent in programming and Database Administration, which is why I detest the Dominion Voting System. As a GSU Grad in Business Administration, I am qualified to oversee the Corporations, Charities and Licensing Divisions of the Office, and as former Stock Broker, Insurance Professional and Chartered Senior Financial Planner, I am qualified to oversee the SOS Securities Division. As an activist for over ten years, I have been at the Capitol, in the committee hearings, testifying to uphold constitutional government. As a volunteer with VoterGA I have been recording presentations on the issues with Georgia’s election system for over 8 years. I know the problems, I have the solutions and the experts to assist me to ensure that voting is easy, elections are transparent and verifiable, and cheating is prosecuted.


What role should government have in the lives of Georgians? How would you apply that philosophy to the job you are seeking?

The role of Government is to protect the rights of individuals. I will uphold the Rule of Law.


If you are elected (or re-elected), what problems will you spend the most time solving and why?

I see that a great deal of time will be spent to restore confidence in fair and free elections. I believe that the public needs to be educated in the role of government, the constitutional constraints placed on government, the checks and balances designed to keep the separate branches in check and the power they have to ensure that their elected officials actually represent them.


Georgia is a politically diverse state. How will you work to represent Georgians whose political views differ from your own?

Upholding the law comes with criticism from any that cannot accept the outcomes of the legislative process. Being honest, transparent and forthright about the impacts and ramifications of law and then calling out the misinformation and propaganda from the media and grievance organizations is the best I will be able to do.


There were politicians who questioned the outcomes of Georgia elections in 2018 and 2020. Do you think Georgia’s elections are secure and will you stand by the results?

Let’s be realistic and honest about 2018 and 2020. With the Diebold DRE system, there was no record of voter intent and no way to verify the results yet there were anomalies that cannot be statistically explained. 2020 we had paper ballots that no court would allow access to, which would have been proof of voter intent. 2020 was the safest and most secure election – safe and secure from allowing access to the paper ballots.


As Secretary of State, name any change you would seek to broaden or restrict voting in Georgia.

Frankly, our voting laws are among the best in the nation, regardless of what some groups claim. There may be room for improvement, especially when it comes to ballot access for 3rd party and independent candidates.


Who has been the biggest influence on how you view state government and politics? What have you learned from this person?

Ron Paul, Kris Anne Hall, and others. That Government is supposed to serve the people and defend our God given rights.


Politics is often about compromise. How do you decide when to compromise and take small, incremental wins, and when to refuse compromise?

As long it is moral and ethical and Constitutional I’m willing unless it has adverse impact on those that cannot stand up for themselves.

iVoter Guide Survey

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Right to Life

Under what circumstances should abortion be allowed?

Only when the life of the mother is at risk


Abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, should not receive funds from federal, state, or local governments (including Title X grants).

I agree


I support ‘aid in dying’ laws which legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia.

I support the idea in certain circumstances when there is zero likelihood of recovery and suffering is unbearable.



What changes, if any, should be made to the tax code?

The best fix is to abolish the 16th Amendment


What government spending would you reduce in order to balance the budget?

Any and all spending for any and all things that are not enumerated in the Constitution as specific grants of authorities to the Federal Government


Taxpayer-funded public education should be guaranteed through college.

No! If 12 years of taxpayer funded education is insufficient to prepare a child to be a productive member of society, what benefit would 4 more years provide? The focus should be on reforming the curriculum in K-12 such that each High School Graduate has the necessary skillsets to be self-sufficient. This means teaching life skills, nutrition, health, finance, basic law, crafts, trades, etc. and not using public education as an indoctrination center.


Religious Liberty

Individuals and businesses should be required to provide services even if it would violate their moral and/or religious beliefs.

No. Free will, Right of Conscience, and freedom of association are a few of the foundations of American values that the courts vigorously upheld prior to the Marxist infiltration of our institutions.


Under what circumstances can government close churches?

None, zero, nada.



What most closely matches your view on healthcare: A) Healthcare for all should be guaranteed and funded by the government with no private healthcare option. (includes “universal healthcare,” “medicare for all,” etc.) B) Healthcare insurance funded by the government should be available for all who want it, along with private healthcare options. C) Medicaid and Medicare should remain available, but no other taxpayer-funded programs are necessary. D)Tax-payer funded health care should be abolished in all forms, and Medicaid and Medicare should be de-funded.

I am somewhere between C and D. We don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sickcare system. Since government got involved (unconstitutionally) in it, the costs have escalated at an accelerated pace and skyrocketed with the passage of the Affordable Care Act which created an additional 159 entities that “oversee” the administration of services with the outcome of increased cost and decreased quality of care, and vastly inflated costs of compliance, reporting, and protocols which effectively have turned healthcare workers into drones. I believe that if we were taught good skills in maintaining our health, had access to chemical and pesticide-free food, clean water and air, and taught natural remedies for common ailments, our need for healthcare would diminish. Medicare should be available for those that have paid into the system, but phased out over time. Medicaid may remain a necessity as long as poverty persists. Otherwise, I believe we all have the right to pay for our own healthcare, but healthcare is not a right and government has no Constitutional authority to intercede.



Under what circumstances (if any) should a government, school, or employer be allowed to require vaccinations?

Only under a totalitarian dictatorship where the people are enslaved and have surrendered their God given rights to self-ownership, otherwise, absolutely none.


National Security

What should the United States do to help eradicate the threat of Islamic terrorism?

If the CIA hadn’t meddled in Iran in the 1950’s we may not have ever had this problem in the first place. But, the problem in the middle east is the same problem that led to the Crusades and may not have a solution so long as there are Islamic religious teachings proscribing death to the infidels. It may be a help if the US would stop dropping bombs and using drones resulting in civilian casualties. It may also help, as long as we continue foreign interventionist policies, to help build an economy to provide jobs and prosperity to them, and to develop media channels and distribution to influence public opinion away from jihad, in the same way the US media controls the narrative to brainwash us.


I support the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement to pressure Israel to withdraw from occupied territories, remove the separation barrier in the West Bank, allow full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees.

I am 100% for peace and equal rights when it comes to occupation of traditional territories. Did Israel learn annexation and expansion from the history of the US displacing America’s indigenous people? Human nature is hard to extinguish.



The U.S. should do more to physically secure the southern border.

Absolutely yes


Who should be allowed to immigrate to the U.S. and under what circumstances?


Anyone who is verifiably able to be self-sufficient, willing to abide by the traditions and values upon which the US was founded, who will obey the laws, who can add to American greatness should be free to come and join us. The exceptions for those suffering political or religious persecution should be allowed to seek sanctuary. Those that come to escape poverty and oppressive government should stay in their country and work to improve it. Taxpayer money should not be used to harbor freeloaders.




I support school choice, including voucher programs, tax credits, charter schools, private schools, and home schools.

Yes, I do.



Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which is necessary for our system of limited government.

And it is a pity that values and morality have been debased and derided and are seemingly no longer a subject taught to our progeny.


I support adding gender identity as a specially protected class in non-discrimination laws.

I do not. We already have equal protection under the law as well as the freedom of association. Any such legislation, in my opinion, is prohibited as a grant of special privilege and would be a furtherance of the Marxist plank to destroy the family.


Marriage is a God-ordained, sacred and legal union of one man and one woman. No government has the authority to alter this definition

Not that I disagree with this statement, but freedom of association trumps government, and government has no Constitutional authority to legislate regarding marriage.


I agree with Critical Race Theory (CRT) which asserts that the institutions in the United States are fundamentally racist.

Heck no!


Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.

I serve the Kingdom of God following the examples and teachings of Christ.


Elections and Voting

People should be able to vote without photo identification.

Sure, if we used a thumb print instead, otherwise no government issued photo ID, no ballot.


What laws would you propose to change present voting practices?

Georgia’s voting laws are among the best in the US, however it is the computers and electronic tabulation that needs to be scrapped in favor of hand counting ballots at the precinct level. I would strengthen requirements for absentee ballot requests and signature verification, get us out of the ERIC system, and enact better practices to ensure clean voter rolls, withdraw from Motor Voter registration, and scrutinize groups and organizations funded to push voter registration drives as their main mission. I would push legislation to ensure that any company or organization that contracts with the state, counties, or municipalities, must provide public access to background checks of their employees. And if possible, make election day a holiday and limit voting to only a few days prior.


Race Relations

Is racism a threat to domestic security in the United States? Why or why not?

The problem is the narrative pushed by politicians, influence and grievance groups, and the media to divide and distract us away from seeing that they are destroying the country for their own gain. The powers that be foment racism and it is a pity that some people fall for it. Most Americans are not racist, but labeled racist in an attempt to force acquiescence to the benefit of those that push this agenda.


Reparations should be given to people on the basis of race.

That boat sailed after the Civil War. No person should be held liable for the sins of their forefathers. The Islamic slave traders and English Law in the Colonial Period requiring slave ownership is not the fault of anyone born after 1779.


Energy & Environment

Which comes closest to your view? A) Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy. B) Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.



I support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources.

Somewhat, there are environmental consequences inherent in fracking, mostly involving the contamination of the water table. If the Federal Government allowed oil and natural gas extraction in areas where fracking was not preamble to the US constitutionnecessary, I would be fine with a fracking ban. Save fracking when it becomes a last resort for supplying energy.



What do you think is the general purpose of government?

To protect our rights and like it says in the Preamble – “…establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”


When you consider your views on a wide range of issues from economic and social matters to foreign policy and religious liberty, which of the following best describes you overall?

I am an a proponent of the Austrian school of Laisse Faire economics, an original intent Constitutional conservative with Madisonian/Jeffersonian non-interventionist perspective, strong supporter of the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom.


Please provide publicly available information, including interviews and media reports, validating your answer to the previous question (other than your website).

Go to www.tedmetz.com, https://www.facebook.com/TedMetz4Georgia/, and https://www.facebook.com/ted.metz.31/ for years of posting these views and perspectives.


Have you ever been convicted of a felony or been penalized in either civil or criminal court for sexual misconduct? If so, please explain.



What else would you like voters to know about you, including your legislative priorities?

I have been a volunteer with VoterGA for over eight years and I’ve learned everything about the vulnerabilities and shortcomings of computerized voting; the lack of security, transparency, and verifiability. I’ve spent eight years lobbying at the Capitol for a system that is secure, transparent, and verifiable. Running for Secretary of State is the best next step for me to escalate ending the electronic/computerized voting in order to restore election fidelity so that each voter can trust their vote is recorded for their candidate. Voting is the foundation of our Representative Republic and therefore must be honest, accurate and verifiable.


Criminal Justice

Police officers should be personally immune from prosecution for conduct consistent with departmental policy (qualified immunity) while on duty.

Sure, but they should be held criminally liable for actions and conduct not consistent with their lawful authority.


I support redirecting funds from police departments to mental health and community programs.

No but I do support funding to integrate mental health and community programs with police policy. I have be involved with the Cobb County Crisis Intervention program for years now and was happy that this program was incorporated into HB 1013 to be implemented state-wide.



2nd Amendment

What restrictions on gun ownership are needed to protect public safety?

People proven in court to be violent with no regard for human life should be and are banned from gun ownership. People suffering mental illness or in mental crisis likely to lead to violence should be restricted form accessing guns, but only after a jury verdict. Red Flag laws are just a way to disarm any person that holds a view not acceptable to the complaining party.


Victims of gun violence should be able to sue firearms dealers and manufacturers.

Absolutely not. Murder and violence is in the hearts of men, not in their weapon of choice. Did Abel’s family sue God for making rocks?




College Grad – Georgia State University, DeKalb College, University of Georgia, Naval Aviation Technical Training Center

Work & Military

Retired from a career in Insurance, Financial Services, Science and Computer Science and now I volunteer IT infrastructure and support to many Non-profit organizations

US Navy 1979-1982


Libertarian Party of Georgia







And others


I have not held public office

Gwinnett Forum Questionnaire

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  1. Why am I seeking the Office of Secretary of State.

I have been a volunteer with VoterGA for over eight years and I’ve learned everything about the vulnerabilities and shortcomings of computerized voting; the lack of security, transparency, and verifiability. I’ve spent eight years lobbying at the Capitol for a system that is secure, transparent, and verifiable. Running for Secretary of State is the best next step for me to escalate ending the electronic/computerized voting in order to restore election fidelity so that each voter can trust their vote is recorded for their candidate. Voting is the foundation of our Representative Republic and therefore must be honest, accurate and verifiable.


  1. What do I Expect to accomplish if elected?

My goal is to lawfully restore confidence in our elections through full transparency and verifiability as written into SB 202, allowing public access to ballots and the data necessary to prove the legitimacy of elections. Your vote should count for your candidate and not be turned into a fractionalized, manipulated data point like it is in the computerized systems. My second goal is to be an “ambassador” to attract business and industry to Georgia to grow jobs and the economy. My third goal is to ensure access to Georgia’s laws, the Federal laws, and information on becoming successful in business.


  1. What distinguishes my candidacy?

In addition to my tenure with VoterGA, I am a GSU Business School graduate. I have the education necessary to fulfill the position. I have over 20 years in IT and database administration experience. The Navy taught me computer and programming skills, but most importantly taught me how to analyze systems. Many components make up our election system and each has vulnerabilities needing improvements to make our elections trustworthy. Also, as a business analyst, I see great opportunities for improvements in many of the SOS functions.


  1. Pick and expand on one issue, offer a solution.

Gallup polling showed 59% of voters don’t have confidence in the honesty of elections. Hand counting ballots at the precinct level is the time tested and simplest solution. If elected, I will send a memo to all of Georgia’s Election Superintendents to rigorously verify signatures and hand count absentee ballots as well as the paper ballots produced by the Ballot Marking Devices, along with strict instructions prohibiting the use of Dominion Tabulators due to their inaccuracy as demonstrated in the 2022 DeKalb County District 2 Primary.


  1. What are my ideas on curbing all the many area-wide shooting[s]?

“It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun (unless the bad guy is a better shot)” -Quentin R. Bufogle. “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” Robert A. Heinlein.   I am strongly pro-Second Amendment. Bad actors are less likely to engage a person if they think the other person may be armed. Most mass shootings could have been stopped sooner if an armed citizen were present. Look to the Greenwood Park Mall shooting in Indiana as proof.


  1. 100-word summary on my background


I had loving, encouraging parents and grew up with a sense of humor, wonder, adventure, and an insatiable desire to learn. The Air Force moved us every 9 to 18 months so I experienced most of America at an early age. Church and Boy Scouts were a huge part of my life. I played guitar in our choir bands. Earning merit badges gave me a broad understanding of many subjects. Both helped me to form my morality, ethics and character and understand my obligation to serve others. I traveled the world in the Navy, and spent 19 years in college.

League of Women Voters Voter Guide Survey

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What are your qualificatioins for office?

Computers have been a part of life since the 1970’s, even before formal training in the US Navy. I started working with Internet Technology in the 1990’s and I am competent in programming and Database Administration, which is why I detest the Dominion Voting System. As a GSU Grad in Business Administration, I am qualified to oversee the Corporations, Charities and Licensing Divisions of the Office, and as former Stock Broker, Insurance Professional and Chartered Senior Financial Planner, I am qualified to oversee the SOS Securities Division. As an activist for over ten years, I have been at the Capitol, in the committee hearings, testifying to uphold constitutional government.

Please list your top three (3) priorities and detail your plan and budget for achieving those priorities?

Lack of trust -. I will restore confidence in Georgia’s Election system via hand counting paper ballots with full public transparency, enforcing signature match for absentee ballots, verifying voter ID, and allowing public audits. Third Party Access to Voter Data. I will return the Voter Registration Data Base to state control, end the contracts with ERIC and MTX Group, maintain clean voter rolls using the NCOA and the SSA Death Registry. Manipulation of Election Systems by Malicious Actors. I will enforce the State ad Federal requirements that any voting system complies with all applicable laws, including CISA, FISMA, Help America Vote Act, Voting Rights Act, and Title 21 of the O.C.G.A., which our current system does not.

Do you think there are systemic inequities in our election administration? If so, what policies will you pursue to end them?

No I do not believe the hype promulgated by race-baiting grievance groups. Frankly, our voting laws are among the best in the nation, regardless of what some groups claim. There may be room for improvement, especially when it comes to ballot access for 3rd party and independent candidates.

The Secretary of State is responsible for oversight of multiple trade and professional licensing boards. What will you do to support a vibrant economy across our state?

My goal is to be an “ambassador” to attract business and industry to Georgia to grow jobs and the economy. I will also work with the Labor Commissioner to encourage businesses to engage in training and apprentice programs, and work with the School Superintendent to implement and/or improve trades and crafts programs and coursework to teach young adults to become entrepreneurs and to ensure access to information on becoming successful in business.


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WJTX/News4Jax Questionnaire

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Viewers’ No. 1 issue: The economy

As Secretary of State I will be an ambassador to attract business and industry to Georgia to grow jobs and the economy. I will also work with the Labor Commissioner to encourage businesses to engage in training and apprentice programs, and work with the School Superintendent to implement and/or improve trades and crafts programs and coursework to teach young adults to become entrepreneurs.


Viewers’ No. 2 issue: Voter rights/election integrity

My goal is to lawfully restore confidence in our elections through full transparency and verifiability as written into SB 202, allowing public access to ballots and the data necessary to prove the legitimacy of elections. Your vote should count for your candidate and not be turned into a fractionalized, manipulated data point like it is in the computerized systems.


Viewers’ No. 3 issue: Gun rights/gun safety


“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” Robert A. Heinlein.   I am strongly pro-Second Amendment. Bad actors are less likely to engage a person if they think the other person may be armed. Most mass shootings could have been stopped sooner if an armed citizen were present. Look to the Greenwood Park Mall shooting in Indiana as proof. I would like to see firearm safety and marksmanship programs put back in schools.


What do you see as the top three issues facing the state and nation over the next two years?


  1. Energy – As power plants, natural gas, and oil production continues being shut down, energy prices will skyrocket, businesses will go bankrupt, especially the truckers that transport the goods and unemployment will soar along with inflation.
  2. Food – since natural gas is the base for nitrogen fertilizers the domestic reduction in production coupled with the sale of LNG to Europe due to US Policies and Russian distribution disruption of oil, natural gas, and potash, domestic crop yields. which are down significantly now, and be worse next year which will cause further shortages prices to skyrocket.

3.Dollar Destruction – Printing money to finance the profligate spending by an out of control Congress has already lead to a recession and the worst inflation in American history which will force the FED to raise interest rates to levels not seen since the Carter Administration. People are already suffering and having to choose between buying gas to get to work or buying groceries to feed the family. Many families have already maxed out their credit cards and when the rates rise, there will be a historic bankruptcy crisis, a for closure crisis, and a banking crisis that can’t be solved by money printing like they did in 2008. All of this will lead to a near total collapse of the financial markets, and Governments will crumble.


Do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected president of the United States?


Joe Biden did not win the majority of the legitimate votes. That’s a fact. If one judge had the courage to see the evidence, Biden would be removed.


In light of the Supreme Court ruling striking down Row v. Wade, would you propose or support additional laws either banning abortion entirely or guaranteeing reproductive rights?


In light of the Supreme Court ruling striking down Row v. Wade, would you propose or support additional laws either banning abortion entirely or guaranteeing reproductive rights?


I would not propose or support any additional laws on the subject.


How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

Any elected official takes an oath to uphold the laws and the Constitution which is a constraint. I cannot legally act outside of the law, nor should any elected official. The better question is what will I do that others will not. When elected, I will ensure that all votes are cast within the boundaries of the law, ensure accessibility to the polls, provide access to the public to inspect, count, and recount the ballots, and not obstruct election challenges.


What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

My greatest hope is to be remembered for restoring trust, integrity, transparency, verifiability, and ease of voting to elections, and being the Secretary of State that resurrected hand counts at the precinct level and eliminated computerized vote tabulation by proving them unsecure, error prone, and an unnecessary cost burden to the voters.


John's Creek Candidate Survey

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Yes You Can Take A Picture Of Your Ballot

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Public Comment to State Election Board September 28, 2022 Atlanta GA

Ted Metz gives his two minute Public Comment at the September 28th State Election Board meeting at the Georgia Capitol Building.

30 Seconds of TRUTH from John Poulos of Dominion

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Raffy! I hope you didn't miss the 30 seconds of truth from your Dominion guy at the Election Board meeting yesterday!"Paper Ballots.....those can't be hacked!"

Click the arrows or the dots at the bottom to see more headlines or CLICK for Blog  

  • with Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America

Are you ready to take the next step towards fair elections?

In every county in Georgia there are opportunities for you to take part in assuring that our elections are run smoothly, fairly, and honestly. Please volunteer to be a poll watcher, or talk to your county election board about getting paid to be a poll worker. To be a poll watcher, talk to your county political party about registering for early voting or on election day. There are also opportunities after the election to make sure that all the legitimate votes are counted.

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Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to Vote!

Last day to register to vote in the General Election is October 11, 2022.  Early Voting starts October 17, 2022.








Ready to Support Ted Metz?