A Brief History of Healthcare

A Brief History of Healthcare

The healthcare delivery system in America has improved with the advancements in technology and medical breakthroughs over the years. In every other industry on the planet, the costs have always gone down with technology and breakthroughs. Why is it that Healthcare...
GAGOP Debate – Augusta

GAGOP Debate – Augusta

In the background at the GOP Senate Debate in Augusta with Derrick Grayson and one of our Liberty Friends (note the BitCoin tee shirt).  I was a part of Derrick’s campaign staff, traveling the state, filming and live streaming events. Be sure to check out...
Campaigning in Athens

Campaigning in Athens

Campaigning with Derrick Grayson in Athens on July 10, 2013 along with Team Grayson  at a TEA Party conference.  Republicans, TEA Party members, Libertarians and Democrats were in attendance .  We got to speak to many folks fighting the battle for Liberty.  Click Here...
Campaigning in NC

Campaigning in NC

In North Carolina showing support for Operation Outreach at Warrior Jam in Fayetteville, NC, August 31, 2013 along with the Robby Wells Presidential Campaign Staff. Click HERE to learn more about Operation Outreach
Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick

Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick

I had the opportunity to converse with  Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick at the International Students for Liberty Conference in Washington DC in February. Mr. Stone and Dr. Kuznick were in attendance to discuss foreign policy in historic perspective. Both are very...
Second Amendment Rally

Second Amendment Rally

Picture with Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America at a Second Amendment Rally on the Capitol steps in the spring of 2012. Frankly, I STRONGLY support the Constitution AND the Bill of Rights. One thing about the Bill of Rights that many people have forgotten or are no...
GAGOP Senate Debate – Columbus

GAGOP Senate Debate – Columbus

Me behind the camera at the GOP Senate Debate in Columbus, GA filming the proceedings for Derrick Grayson.  This was a televised debate and I am certain that the GOP worked feverishly to ensure that the sound system was rigged to ruin the audio. Here is the only video...
MAM Atlanta Event Planning

MAM Atlanta Event Planning

On the Capitol Steps with several friends during a planning walk through for a rally. This is a great picture because of all the organizations that are represented by those of us in the picture.  At some point, we all have to take a stand and get active to ensure...
Volunteering for Georgia Gun Owners

Volunteering for Georgia Gun Owners

My friends at Georgia Gun Owners invited me to help them at a Gun Show at the Atlanta Expo Center recruit new members and explain the mission of GGO.  Dr. Paul Broun showed up to show his support for the 2nd Amendment and do some campaigning. I’m not sure if you...